Free Mental Health Resources to Download
On this page I have shared a number of free downloadable mental health resources for you to use. I hope you find these helpful. I have also included links to some amazing external resources online which I use and recommend. Please click on the links or titles below for more information.
Emma xx
Kind Hand Exercise adapted from Dr. Russ Harris
15 Small Practical Steps to Take if you are Struggling with Depression
How to Create a Mental Health Wellbeing Kit (mental health first aid)
Soothing Products You May Enjoy
pLEASE do check back as I add more resources, Emma x
Free ACT Audio from Dr. Russ Harris: Dropping Anchor
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy You Tube Videos from Dr. Russ Harris
Online CBT Sleep programme: Sleepio - for better sleep
Get Self Help - Free CBT resources for a range of mental health issues
A - Z of Mental Health - information from Mind Charity
Learning about Self Compassion with Kristin Neff
Compassionate Mind - resources for developing compassion