Mental Health Microgains
50 Small Actions That Will Make a Big Difference to Your Wellbeing
Dr Emma Cotterill and Dr Tara Quinn-Cirillo (2024)
I am very excited to share this new venture in my writing journey. ​
Mental Health Microgains (published in October 2024) using the sports psychology concept of microgains to give you 50 ideas you can try in 5 minutes, to help make a difference to your mental health and wellbeing.
These 50 easy to implement strategies provide you with a range of ideas to support your wellbeing.
The book is themed around ten established approaches to wellbeing including mindfulness, breathing and grounding, compassion, connection, being active, purposeful action, thinking and emotions, and taking care of you.
Myself and my wonderful co author Dr Tara, have drawn on strategies developed from a range of psychological approaches, from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), to compassion based approaches, mindfulness and gratitude.
We hope you find this a useful addition to your mental health and wellbeing resources.
Emma & Tara xx